Went to California for Thanksgiving, got a good photo of Mt. Shasta in the snow, and lots of pictures of a group of palm trees. When is this Orgeonian girl gonna have another chance to take pictures of palm trees? Played with Photoshop elements some more, got it to layer pics finally, will need alot more practice. I tried to layer the palm trees with a sunset photo. But my sunsets are all horizontal and the palm trees are vertical, oh well. I'm using several quilt/photo books to get instructions, each one has a different way of going about it, and assume you know stuff that you don't. I'm trying to go about it a little systematicaly, but we'll see. It is not too simple, the options are overwhelming. Wish me luck with the program. I'm really enjoying the photography, I used to do alot of it. I have a really good Cannon 35 mm, with great lenses, but I was always getting behind on film developing, I still have about 5 rolls left to develope from 1-2 years ago. With the digital camera, it is so easy to take 100 pics. And putting it on fabric is a breeze, with the computer printer. I had two quilts designed in my sketch book, but those are some of the pics I lost when transfering to the new computer. I'm trying to get an idea of what will combine in an interesting way, I have alot of good background pics, and textures, but not much fore ground options. Except alot of seagulls, and ducks from the local pond. I may have to go abstract with the different filters, to get started.