Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The New Year, 2012

2011 was a challenge to get through, I'm glad it is done! I am looking forward to the new year, lots of exciting art projects and creative people. My first challenge was to clean my sewing room. We had new windows put in the house so I had to clean and remove everything from one wall and half the next, so the window guys could get in. I spent 3 weeks before hand, rearranging, cleaning, going through STUFF! Sorting, filing and getting rid of stuff. Putting something in a shoe box and labeling it, isn't good enough if you have no place for the shoe box. The furniture was moved, including my sewing table, argh, filth behind it all. Cleaning, new windows and painting the available wall and window frames took up the next two weeks. Next on the list was to make curtains for a big double window and the side window. I had a bolt of fabric with big pastel roses and lilacs on it from a garage sale. There were 9 yards on it, so after pre-washing it, I had enough for 4 panels. I made 3 panels for the double window and one for the side. It looks so clean and new and light and bright. I can see out the window at the birds in the bird bath, I can't wait for the Stellar Magnolia to bloom right out side my window, with daffodils and crocus below it. I also have a view of the big lilac bush, and some iris and tulips. Spring can come anytime! Another two weeks of cleaning continued to make the place usable. Getting rid of more stuff, sorting and putting stuff where it belongs. I got the whole floor around my big desk cleaned up, lots of bags of miscellaneous stuff, the half finished projects on the ironing board, and most important my work space table. I can now do some "ART" with some elbow room! :) This was NOT a New Year's resolution, but it became one. The feeling of cleanliness and order is wonderful, I can now mess it up again, clutter, paints, buttons and scraps, rubber stamps and thread, the list is endless. Maybe, I can then put it all away where it belongs?

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