Saturday, September 14, 2013

Expressive Words on Gelli

I got my Gelli Plate and acrylic paints out to play! What fun, to try my new sets of foam words, I spilled them all out on a table and picked out a few word combos. I added some textile medium to my paints, this time, to try to get a softer feel to the fabric, and some transparency. It did not make much difference in either, but it did keep the paint from drying too fast and gave me time to add texture. A similar range of colors added continuity, to make a set of fabrics I can use together in a project. Two layers of Gelli prints, with the lettering, followed by rubber stamps, then textural and sequin waste printing, created a multi layered fabric with lots of depth. I am still not happy with the chalky opaque look of the cheap paints. I think I will have to buy better paints, I'm going to try damp fabric next time, for a more subtle look.
The lettering did not come out very distinct. Maybe darker paints next time for more contrast? I used white and colored pencils to add contrast and accent the letters. I also stamped TRY and the letter E in hope, cause I covered it up with the printing, oops. It was lots of fun, and I want to try more, this was just a quick few minutes to get out my paints and play.

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